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What is the cost of designing a business website in India?

If you ask this question to any developer or company they will straightaway answer that it depends on several factors. It is actually true the cost of creating a website is determined by several factors. Let us delve into this blog to know all about website development costs in 2024. Yatiken, as the best website development company can help you in easily building a top website for your business.

Instead of providing a ready-made website template, the majority of web design companies in India offer their design models for reference. A website cannot be purchased as an “off the rack” bundle. The website development cost in India varies according to the specifications of your project. Business websites, especially e-commerce companies, have intricate designs that need to be updated and expanded upon regularly. This makes choosing a fixed price much more challenging. Let us look at some of the aspects of website development costs in India:

Domain name

The domain name is the first factor that determines a website’s price. Given that it’s the first thought that typically occurs to people.

I would advise selecting a top-level domain name like.com or .in for a website. However, if you want some helpful advice, you could always choose to speak with a website development company in India. Compared to the newer choices like.io and.org, websites ending in.com are simpler for users to understand and more distinctive.

Hosting plan

The hosting plan plays a significant role in determining the total cost of building a website. Here are three things to look for in a hosting package before making a purchase:

The sort of hosting plan determines the performance of your website out of the three. Shared hosting may not be the greatest choice for a business website because it causes your site to load more slowly. Conversely, if you have the financial means, a dedicated server is a fantastic choice.

Custom Website Design

The real site design process begins here. The majority of your web design cost in India will be based on your desired website design.

Time and Cost

The amount of time needed to produce eye-catching website designs varies. Changes to themes and templates may take up to a week because they are easily accessible. However, it could take two to three months to conceptualize, create, and deliver a bespoke website design.

The fee is entirely determined by the amount of work that needs to be done by the developer and designer. A web design company in India has to start from scratch when creating a custom web design layout, which drives up the costs to INR 5000–INR 15,000 for each page.

You should anticipate that the expenses will rise if there are sophisticated features like membership login, payment integration, or user data retrieval.

Content Management System

When determining the price of website development, a content management system plays a crucial role. A CMS is necessary if your company has excellent material to display. For a company with dynamic web pages that require regular updates, using a content management system (CMS) such as WordPress is an excellent way to create and manage a website.

Having said that, WordPress is a fantastic choice for creating dynamic websites for businesses. Most businesses won’t have the funds for a website when you consider how much it would cost to code one from the start. WordPress has its premium themes available for small businesses on a budget to address that, as opposed to the free themes.


Premium themes can lie anywhere between INR 2000 to INR 23,000. One can choose themes that are a one-time purchase and avoid recurring costs.

Plugins for your business website are available for free and to access premium plugins, they may cost from INR 1000 to INR 8000.

Overall, you can make a business WordPress website within INR 40,000- INR 70,000 for 15-20 web pages.

Web Content Creation

While images can convey a thousand words, words must do the majority of the talking. Without web content and blogs, the list of website development costs would be lacking.

This is not a remark meant to impress people—content is king. The most well-written material has the power to completely change a company’s environment.

Time and Cost

The first draft of a 15-page website can be finished in one to two weeks. Producing content is one thing; proofreading and editing it is quite another. The material must be carefully chosen and edited until you believe it offers visitors enough value.

Website Maintenance Cost in India

Lastly, it is important to maintain anything you have purchased, for example, your car. What is the point of spending so much money on something if you can’t maintain it properly?

This also applies, in a way, to websites. Websites for businesses are not a one-time purchase that comes ready-made. Your website can only help your business if it is properly optimized and maintained.

As you can receive clients around the clock, your website must be up to date.


A website is a vital component of every expanding company. For your website to provide a satisfying user experience, its design, visuals, loading speed, content, and other elements must all be perfect.Having said that, if you want to focus just on growing your business and not worry about your website, you should contact Yatiken Software Solutions to develop your website. Our team is the ideal option for developing a website for your company. Our fully functional, flexible, and exquisite websites have helped numerous businesses.

I hope this blog was helpful for you and provided you with some insights on Website Development Cost in India.